Saturday, 23 March 2019

The Museum of Loss

The Museum of Loss is a series of A6 books about my parents and relatives.

My mother wrote her (unpublished) autobiography in her retirement years, making copies for myself and my brother before she died.  In it she talks about her childhood, reminiscing about traditional family stories as well as baring her soul from times long ago. Having researched family history, back as far as 1750, she also documented details of the lives of her parents, grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles.

The autobiography has been an important source of information from which images and text have inspired my book works. This highly emotive subject has taken a long time to evolve into hand made books and the process has been quite daunting at times.

I have used extracted text, written poetry and hand written lists to form the first three booklets in the series, titled, '...and in memory of my father who never had a son', 'Molly Shaw', and 'Fifield'. There are 10 copies of each.

'....and in memory of my father who never had a son' 2019

A6 Inkjet printed on 175gsm Artcard real grey
and 55gsm newsprint

Molly Shaw 2019

A6 Inkjet printed on 175gsm Artcard pristine white
and 55gsm newsprint

Fifield 2019

A6 Inkjet printed on 175gsm Artcard china white 
and 55gsm newsprint

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